As a company founded by a strong and driven business woman, Annee’s Caphê Sua Da jumps at the chance to collaborate with fellow strong-minded business women. Whether their background is in art, music, cuisine, coffee, or other dynamic mediums, ACSD is a champion of spirited women in business, food, culture, and its intersection.

It’s for this reason, among many, that we are so excited to be collaborating with Cairns graphic designer, entrepreneur and business-owner Sydney the Artist, a passionate artist whose work spans many visual artistic mediums, including her very own line of prints and wearables, Live Art, heavily inspired by her study of African-American History and hip-hop studies in the USA.

We were able to sit down and chat with Sydney the Artist about her inspirations and influences as a female in the art and business sector.

“For me, as a female business owner, entrepreneur, and artist, I always wonder what makes me proud to be in a female-orientated business... or supporting other females doing creative things.”

Sydney cites her mother as a major inspiration to her drive to be unapologetically passionate about her career.

“When [my mother] grew up, she was involved in a lot of marches and feminist activism... and did a lot of things in the 60’s and 50’s which probably was not the norm.”

She also gives thanks to her network of supportive creative women, both in Cairns and throughout Australia.

“We all work together and uplift each other... to me, it’s the most beautiful thing when you meet a group of creative people... that can just push each other. We’ve been programmed to work against each other... but we don’t need to.”

When Sydney moved away from her home city of Sydney to Cairns, a move she found emotionally detrimental at first, she found comfort and escape in her natural talents as an artist, and continued her study and training at TAFE.

“It was a really nice place to build my confidence back up and to work on myself.”

Sydney the Artist continues to add on to her many skills, both within the business and the arts sector. Joined by her sister, she founded Tropica Store and Studio, a Gordonvale spot for sustainable and ethically sourced art, clothing, decor, and accessories.

The full video interview is available on our IGTV channel. 

Check out more of Sydney the Artist on sydneytheartist.com and tropicastoreandstudio.com

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